Monday 13 July 2009

Collapse goes to Free Range.

collapse, Bournemouth

As part of a graduate group exhibition I created a large scale flour tower.

'Their existence is so familiar as to be unfamiliar in that they are universally present, yet their imperceptible transformations barely capture our attention.'
Wolfgang Laib

Collapse is comprised entirely of self raising flour. It stands alone asking to be regarded and valued. This piece is an attempt to re-learn the qualities of a basic, yet fundamentally important material. The collapse shows a substance stripped down to its most simple form, in its material, colour and texture. This piece was created whilst working under the principal of of using a material in its natural state.
Carl Andre explains that you cannot impose properties on materials, you have to reveal the properties of the material, thus revealing aspects of the world as it is.

In its natural state flour appears static, but it is an active substance, it moves, grows and transforms. Its cycle of constantly changing form throughout the course of the exhibition, changes the way it is viewed, thus relearning its physical qualities.